
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Strong Plants and Sculptured Pillars: A book review

A friend called recently to complain about the state of youth in America.  He works in a bank, and he walked past a pair of female tellers barely out of their teens casually saying something so profoundly rude that they blushed when he raised an eyebrow.  He would have liked me to whine with him but this is a side of young people I rarely see.  


Because my teens are amazing. Although we are a small congregation, on any given Sunday as many as half of those in attendance are under 20.  So our teens are often pressed into service.  Not only as mothers’ helpers in overcrowded pews, but as teachers and evangelists.

They are NOT the future of the church.  They are crucial to our congregation today. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Resources for your Reboot

Ready to get back on track with God in the New Year?  Resources for Bible reading, prayer, and Bible study, many of them FREE to help!How are your New Year’s resolutions going?  Did you give up on the gym yet? Start cheating on your new diet?  Violate January’s budget?  No?  Great!

I hope your rebooted plan to be a regular student of God’s Word is also going well.  If you missed the first part of this post, go read it real quick and then come enjoy the multitude of resources we gathered for you to help you get started!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Spiritual Reboot

I love the gym.  I love the spiritual disciplines too. I love them both the same way.  Sporadically.

Seriously, in the long-term, discipline has been a powerful component in my walk with God. It does more for my spiritual health than exercise does for my physical health.  I appreciate them all the more because I can see so clearly how empty, tempted and tired I am without them.