Have you ever second guessed yourself? Felt the anxiety of wondering if you were misunderstood? Been gripped by panic that what seemed fine at the time was actually gossiping, boasting or being hurtful? Waffled over whether you should say anything at all?
During our most recent Sunday night class we talked about boasting. I love these classes where our whole congregation is invited to study and bring their thoughts. At first it seemed that everyone confidently understood how to identify bragging. It makes us want to roll our eyes; it's a heart problem. It's exaggerated. It's a kind of one-up-manship. I began to think I was the only one who dithered about sharing good news in case that was boasting. In the past I have been misunderstood or I've struggled with boasting or both (See how I anxiously dither?) and sometimes now I just don't share at all.