As much as I looked forward to summer vacation, we had a tough first week this year. I realized quickly that loosy-goosey days were not going to work, so I established a schedule. It was a hard transition. My school aged daughter was not used to doing so much housework. My son was not used to having his sister home. The toddler was not used to all the outside play.

It's hard to find multiple Bible stories about children obeying their parents, especially stories you would want to tell young ones. (We aren't ready for Isaac obeying Abraham at his own sacrifice yet). My plan was to tell the story of David obeying his father by taking food to his brothers (1 Samuel 17).
As I was reading the story in preparation for teaching them, my son's latest fit kept replaying in my mind. He just doesn't adapt well to change. Suddenly, I had a new angle on the story. David had obeyed his father for years by taking care of the sheep. Suddenly, he had a new task. "Take food to your brothers." David's world of caring for sheep and composing songs was changed, but he obeyed his father anyway. I tried to explain to my children that sometimes our rules and our routines change, but that they are expected to obey anyway.
Perhaps that angle was a bit of a stretch, but there are other Bible characters who had to change their routines or their plans in their obedience to God. Twice, Paul and his companions had plans to preach the Word in specific places and were forbidden to do so by the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:6-7). Paul obeyed. Esther was torn away from her cousin Mordecai, the only father she had known, and made queen and wife to a man she rarely saw. She continued to obey Mordecai and saved her people. In a more negative example, the children of Israel left the slavery they had known for the unknown wilderness. Rather than give thanks and continue in obedience, they often grumbled about wanting to go back into slavery.
These are just a few examples of people who had to obey when their lives changed. I told you earlier that teaching is a chance for me to learn. That first week of summer was no exception. I thought a lot about how things change in our lives and how quickly I adapt to obedience. I'd have to say I could improve. When we had to move due to my husband's job change, I was so self-centered that I missed a chance to spread Christ's love to a neighbor. Like my son, I have a hard time adapting to routine changes too. Rather than throw fits like he does, I am more likely to waste time. That first week of summer? I played way too many games of Plants vs. Zombies.
Once again, teaching my children taught me something too. Summer vacation has progressed. Their behavior has improved. I'd like to think it because they memorized Ephesians 6:1, but more than likely, they have just learned a new routine. Either way, I hope my learning is progressing. I pray for a heart that is adaptable. God's love and his commands for me will never change, but my situation will. I pray I can continue to obey God in all of life's little transformations.
Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE(R), Copyright(c) 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
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