What does it mean to praise God? If you are imagining voices lifted in song, a man sitting alone with a fishing pole meditating and watching the sunrise, or a relieved parent telling everyone about their blessings when they discover their child is indeed cancer-free you are on the right track. However this is the expression of praise not the source of it. The person who is singing God’s praises is using words that express one of the many amazing things we know about God. The man who contemplates the sunrise praises God as one who created all and declared it good. The parent who tells the doctors, the nurses, and everyone in the waiting room how God has blessed her praises God as the one who answers prayers and sustains his people in their darkest moments.
Last Friday’s post was all about praise-what it does and when we do it. Imagining ourselves in any of the above situations, it’s easy to imagine praise falling from our lips. But as we learned last week, the people of God were prepared to praise God not just in those easy moments but in emergencies, in times of fear, and in suffering.
How can we do that? By being better theologians. Theology is simply the study of God, and if we are students of God’s heart and his character, then we too are theologians.
Praising God is theology.