Friday, January 4, 2013

Top Ten

The New Year is a perfect time for top ten lists!  It's also a good time for looking back and smiling over the good times, sighing over the hard times, and thinking about what is to come.   

As soon as I knew that we'd be making a top ten list, I began asking everyone I knew which post was their favorite.  One thing was clear.  Everyone's favorite posts were the most difficult ones to write.  Sometimes they were difficult because they touched on issues that were controversial  like materialism or bigotry.  Other articles were difficult because they dealt with our own sin.  Confession hurts, but we discovered that telling the truth is as liberating as Jesus promised.  Melissa posted about her struggles with nagging as well as the how hard it can be to let her faith saturate her life. I've confessed plenty too, both about my struggles with self-control  and how hard it can be to tell the truth.  

When choosing our own favorites, we thought about what we have learned from our study time.  We gained new insight into our roles as servants. We discovered what godly men find beautiful in a woman (Just a hint: it isn't her skinny jeans).  We've learned about the roles of fear and suffering in our lives. Even through our wrenching heartbreak, we were fortified by the things we learned following the tragedy in Connecticut. 

We've also learned a lot from our wonderful guest bloggers this year.  Toni wrote the most read post on our blog this year, "How being a Christian is like running from Zombies."  It's a must read, hilarious and thought-provoking at the same time.  Our guest bloggers brought tears as well as laughter; we all needed a box of tissue while reading Anna's post about letting go. 

In an unexpected twist, early in our blogging careers Melissa and I were joined by Jane.  She, like myself, lives abroad and has focused on responding to her daily bible reading in blog form.  She has brought a wide view of scripture and we've all gained a lot from her insight.  I know we can all relate to her struggles at making daily Scripture reading work, and her honesty has been a breath of fresh air. 

The biggest insight for me from these months of blogging is what an enormous difference it makes to spend my free time focused on God.  From the beginning we've used Wednesdays to focus on all the good, noble, pure and holy things out there.  We've spent time reading books and other blogs  that cause us to think on our own worldview.  We've tried to weave a tapestry in our lives of Scripture, non-Inspired yet beneficial works, and our own musings to help us strive to be better women with a more accurate view of God, ourselves, and our place in the world. This has been a wonderful ride so far.  Thank you so much for joining us in our walk with God.  

Wait, did I promise you a top ten?  I'll make good, but you'll have to go over to our Facebook page to see the list.  While you are there make sure you hit the like button to keep up with the conversation, news, and the newest posts.   


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