I am having trouble writing today's blog. I feel that there is something that needs said, but what is alluding me. I have started writing several times and nothing seems right today. I looked back over at Psalms 139 and thought about how even when we feel so lost and alone that God knows us. In a recent comment related to another Psalms post, Helene pointed out all of the verbs in the Psalm. I thought about doing this here: He has searched me, He knows when I do everything, He understands my thoughts, He scrutinizes my path, He is acquainted with my ways, He knows the words on my tongue, He encloses me behind and before, He lays His hand upon me, His hand leads me, His right hand lays hold of me, He formed me, He skillfully wrought me, His eyes have seen even my unformed substance. I thought about talking about how we are never alone. He is intimately acquainted with us. I thought about pointing out how we might feel misunderstood by others, but God knows everything about us. He knows us even better than we know ourselves.