Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Together in the Word Tuesday

When we began, we hoped that this blog would call women to the Word of God.  You can imagine how surprised we were to get the earliest comments and find our old friend Jane was the first.  The story of how tragedy intervened in her life and her Bible reading fell to the wayside is one we can all sympathize with.  It certainly doesn't take a disaster for me to fall off the wagon.  We have known Jane since all of us were college students and are so excited about her posting here about her daily Bible readings. 

 She is one of my truest sisters.  Someone who will face me down with the truth, join me in mutual confession, and bring food to us when we have the flu.  I hope you will be as encouraged by her words here on the blog as I have been by her over the years.  ~Helene

2 Timothy 3:16-17 says that Scripture is not only inspired by God, but that it is "profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."  James 4:17 talks about how if we know the right thing to do and don't do it, we sin.  Being in the Word teaches us what we need to do, reminds us when we aren't doing it, and helps us to be ready to act when opportunity presents itself. 

Although I love to read, I hate to admit that I have struggled over the years with consistent Bible reading.  I know I need to be in the Word daily.  It seems that nearly every January, one of my New Year's resolutions is to read through my Bible.  I am ashamed that I have never yet completed this task.  

I started 2012 committed to making this year different.  In mid-January, I began reading the Change Your Life Daily Bible which divides the Bible into 365 daily readings with a section from the Old Testament, the New Testament, one from Psalms, and one from Proverbs.  I quickly caught up to date and was reading daily until February 18th when life took an unexpected turn.  My Bible reading ground to an immediate halt.  When I started following this blog, my book mark was still at February 18th.  Thanks to this website, I am back in the Word and recommitted to finally making it all the way through.  Since the beginning of this month, I have been reading daily and am slowly doing my back reading as well. 

I, however, need your help to stay on track.  At the bottom of this page, as I will each week, I have posted the reading that will prompt my next article.  I am starting where I am in my current reading schedule.  You can continue on your own reading schedule, or follow along with this one.  Either way, we would love to hear how the Word is touching your heart. I will post my thoughts on Tuesdays, but please don't wait till then. 

Hearing what fellow sisters are reading and how the scriptures are helping them to grow will help me to achieve my goal, not to mention giving all of us daily encouragement.   Hopefully this can help everyone be where He wants us, in the Word and by extension, being "transformed by the renewing of" our minds (Romans 12:2).  Thanks in advance for helping me to grow closer to Him.  We look forward to hearing your thoughts from His word.  In the comments section this week, please post your current reading plan as well as your thoughts as you read. 
My first week's reading is I Chronicles 24:1-2 Chronicles 10:19, Romans 4:1-8:25, Psalms 13:1-18:36, and Proverbs 19:15-26. If you do happen to have this same Bible, you might notice that the reading schedule is actually a week behind the date. This is so that my post can be ready to go up each Tuesday.  


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